International VAT Training Institute ( IVTI ) is a training center & has been registered under the .The institution was founded in 2019-20 following the initiative from a group of VAT experts to create a platform for gathering the VAT knowledge & promoting the professionals pursuits . The present address of the institution is 24/A , Bijoy Nagor ,Skylark Point , ( Lift-4 ) ,(Beside Hotel-71 ),Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Shawroni , Dhaka-1000. Currently there are nearly 150 participants of the institution under three batch & each batch contains fifty participants.
IVTI has been working for over nearly three years with success & good reputation. The institution is highly appreciated by the economists, VAT researchers , business leaders , Govt. & corporate people for its easy method of learning process on VAT.
In addition to training & workshop for its participants , IVTI along with its mother organization BVPF (Bangladesh VAT Professionals Forum ) arrange some activities include pre-budget & post -budget consultation meetings about VAT with the Eminent VAT Experts Dr. Md. Abdur Rouf , pre-monetary policy consultation , seminars on national economics issues on VAT , seminars on fundamental issues on VAT career and many more.